Friday, January 7, 2011

Cooking Creme Submission Number 2!

I have to tell you, I am really learning to LOVE this cooking creme stuff that Philly is putting out. Although I have only experimented with one flavor so far, it's pretty darn delicious! Yesterday I sent in my second and final recipe submission for the Italian Herb and Cheese flavor and I could not be happier with the way the dish turned out. I made my stuffed london broil and tweaked the stuffing recipe using the cooking creme. This stuffing was the best EVER! Once this product hits the shelves I highly recommend giving this a try. The stuffing would be delicious inside just about any cut of meat - seriously!!!

Stuffed london Broil featuring Philadelphia Cooking Creme, Italian Herb and Cheese flavor.

1 Thick cut london broil, butterflied and pounded
10 ounce(s) of Philadelphia Cooking Creme, Italian cheese and herb flavor
3/4 cup(s) of Fontina Cheese (can susbstitute Mozzarella)
4 Oil packed sun-dried tomatoes, chopped
2 slices hard salami, chopped
1 clove garlic, chopped
2 green onions, chopped, green and white parts
1/4 cup(s) of chopped frozen spinach, tharwed and squeezed of excess liquid
1/2 cup(s) of unseasoned panko bread crumbs


1. Open butterflied london broil and pound on both sides to tenderize

2. In a seperate bowl combine remaining ingredients to make stuffing

3. spread stuffing on london broil leaving a 1 inch edge on one side

4. roll london broil, jelly roll style, towards edge with no stuffing

5. once rolled, tie london broil with cooking twine to secure filling

6. place on a rack set in a roasting pan and bake at 350 degrees for 50 minutes

7. Remove london broil from oven, tent with foil and allow it to rest for 5-10 minutes

8. remove cooking twine and cut into rounds to serve.

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