Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Santa Came Early This Year!

Hooray! My free stuff has finally arrived! As I mentioned previously, I have been selected to participate in a cooking contest using a new product from Kraft - Philadelphia Cooking Creme. My package of creme (4 varieties) arrived yesterday! YAY! So, tonight I begin experimenting with it. I can't wait. My husband and my brother are my taste testers this time around. Talk about some critics! LOL! My husband has to live with me so he is usually very nice when criticizing my cooking, my brother on the other hand - no mercy, LOL! Hopefully the texture of this stuff will be suitable for the uses I have in mind. I was just too tired yesterday to check it out firsthand. So, tomorrow I will be sure to post my first creation. Wait, perhaps I should wait until I submit it to the contest. Eh, nobody reads this anyway, LOL! But to be safe I will post the picture but maybe not the ingredients and method until later. That should work. So, look for some food porn tomorrow!

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