Friday, September 3, 2010

The urge to Bake and eat Burgers

Lately I have been thinking about baking. I don't know why. I am a sucky baker. I hate to measure stuff, I hate getting flour all over everything and I don't even know how to set my oven timer. Yet, I find myself with an almost overwhelming urge to bake something, anything. Perhaps it's because a lot of the other food blogs I have been reading are featuring delicious looking baked goods? Perhaps it's because summer is winding down, the heat has finally broken and it's fathomable to actually turn the oven on. Perhaps it's because I love the smell of baking bread. I don't know. I also find myself CRAVING burgers in a fierce way. The thing is I want a non-traditional burger like a greeen chili burger or a turkey burger with avocados on it and hot sauce. Something along those lines. Maybe I should look into baking some hamburger buns or portuguese rolls to put burgers on. Hmmmm. I just might be onto something here!

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